07 October 2016

The CYC racing season is officially over - final results are available on the Wednesday Night page and Regattaman.com. I want to personally thank all of the skippers who made the season such a great one - your dedication to the sport makes my job easy. Stay tuned for details about the CYC Annual Meeting / Brunch / Awards Ceremony, which is scheduled for Sunday, November 13th at the Living Room.


Don't forget that the first race of the year is January 1, 2017, the Jack Roberts Memorial NYD race. The race will be run under the 2013-2016 RRS; however, don't forget that this is a "change" year for the RRS - a study version is available at this link . CYC will be looking into holding a rules seminar this winter to discuss the differences between the old rules and the new rules.


See you at the brunch,
