The 2016 season is practically upon us! Thankfully we were spared a rough winter. Hopefully the Spring will continue to be warm and dry, boats will go in early, and we'll have a successful and fun racing season. While everything is not yet set in stone, here are some key dates to keep in mind:


May 04 - Skipper's Meeting at the Living Room at 7pm. There are some changes to our racing instructions and courses, so if you're a Wednesday night sailor (skipper or crew), I encourage you to attend. Please RSVP at this link: http://whoozin.com/ADX-JM4-HJJ6


May 18 - First Wednesday Night Race. NORs, SIs, and courses will be posted by 01 May. The changes to the SI's will be covered in depth at the skipper's meeting, but it's worth noting that much of the change surrounds CYC's procedures regarding protests. Recent events have made it necessary to make the process more robust. I urge all Wednesday night races to familiarize themselves with the rules, especially rule 14, Avoiding Collisions. Wednesday night racing is supposed to be collegial, fun, and Corinthian. Remember that respect for each other and the boats we sail is paramount.


Registration is now open for Wednesday Night Racing! Use the "Passes" tab on the front page of Regattaman.com to pay for all three series at once!


June 11 - Robert Hartl Memorial Spring Regatta. This regatta has the distinction of being the FIRST Mass Bay Sailing Association Season Championship qualifier. Anyone interested in getting an early start on the season championship should consider this regatta. Harry Anderson has generously offered his boat as the Race Committee boat. Get in early!


June 17 - June Moon Chase Race. This is another race with a distinction - it is the only overnight pursuit race in New England, perhaps the country. Not much has changed for this year, except the race times will be adjusted from the "rated 60 miles" to the actual length of 40 miles. This is an important change as we maintain the race as an MBSA Pursuit Series qualifier. Remember that the 17th is a Friday!


September 17 - Boston Light Regatta. This year, we will be partnering with Savin Hill YC for a completely free pursuit race. The course is still TBD, but will incorporate some combination of Boston harbor islands, with a finish in or near Dorchester Bay. Savin Hill is generously offering moorings and their facility for the post-race party. Stay tuned for for more details.


January 1, 2017 - New Year's Day Race. This race needs no explanation - it is the best way to roll into a new year.


As we move into 2016, the CYC board will be looking for volunteers to assist with regatta parties, race committee duties, and other club activities and duties. If you are interested in volunteering, please do not hesitate to contact me or any other CYC board member.



Fair winds, calm seas, and every tack a lift,

Lance Ryley

Fleet Captain